Women's Fitness Education

An empowering place for women to learn and make an impact on other women’s lives. Become a personal trainer who specialises in helping women at all stages of life, through our bonus companion courses.

Our goal is to empower each and every student with the knowledge they need to have confidence in their ability to make a meaningful impact on other women’s lives.

Female trainers taking personal trainer course specifically for women clients
2023 CEC Provider of the Year Finalist
2023 Educator of the Year Finalist
2022 CEC Provider National Winner
2022 Educator of the Year Winner
2022 Educator of the Year Finalist
2022 Educator of the Year Finalist
2020 Educator of the Year Finalist
2020 Educator of the Year Finalist

Understanding the Importance of Specialised Fitness Education for Women

Specialized fitness training for women acknowledges the distinct physiological and anatomical differences between women and men, such as variations in hormonal cycles, reproductive health concerns, bone density, and muscle composition. These distinctions are crucial as they significantly influence both training methodologies and nutritional requirements.

Our online personal training courses are developed by certified professionals with expertise in women's health, enhancing the effectiveness of fitness programs while reducing the risk of injuries. By customizing training regimens to align with each individual's fitness objectives, baseline fitness levels, and medical history, these courses guarantee both safety and efficacy.

At Women's Fitness Education, our courses are designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills for a rewarding career dedicated to advancing women's health and wellness.

Enhancing Expertise with Women's Fitness Education

Professional Growth Through Specialisation

Professional Growth Through Specialisation:

Our online personal trainer courses open doors to professional development, allowing trainers to refine their skills and broaden their client base. Specialising in women’s fitness education enables trainers to meet the rising demand for female-centred fitness programs, giving them a competitive edge and access to new market opportunities.

Deepening Client Connections

Deepening Client Connections:

Such specialisation fosters greater client retention and satisfaction, as trainers deliver more personalised and effective training experiences tailored to women's unique health needs. This approach enhances a personal trainer’s credibility and fosters trust among female clients, establishing them as industry experts.

Practising with Sensitivity and Ethics:

Practising with Sensitivity and Ethics:

Through our personal trainer courses, professionals learn to handle sensitive ethical considerations, ensuring they provide culturally respectful and privacy-conscious services. Additionally, personal trainer certification in women's health and fitness offers rich networking opportunities, fostering collaboration and mentorship within the fitness community and encouraging continuous learning and growth.

Are Online Personal Trainer Courses Better Than Face-to-Face Learning?

The rise of online learning has revolutionised personal fitness training, making online personal trainer courses a go-to for aspiring and established trainers alike. These courses offer unmatched flexibility, allowing learners to tailor their education around existing commitments, a feature that's incredibly valuable in today's fast-paced world. Whether you're breaking into the fitness industry or looking to advance your skills, e-learning fitness courses provide the opportunity to learn from anywhere, at any time.

Online personal training certification programs are celebrated for their self-paced nature. Students can navigate through the curriculum on their own terms, going deeper into complex subjects or breezing through familiar areas. The wealth of e-learning fitness courses—ranging from video tutorials and live webinars to interactive forums—further enriches the learning experience, accommodating diverse learning styles and preferences.

These courses are designed to embrace all levels of experience. Beginners build a solid foundation in fitness and anatomy, while experienced trainers explore advanced techniques, specialisation options, and continuing education credits.

Become a certified personal trainer today. With easy access to comprehensive resources and a plethora of career opportunities awaiting, there's never been a better time to start.

Get your Certificate III & IV In Fitness Handbook. Register Your Info for a FREE Copy.

Should You Pursue a PT Course?

Accredited PT courses are essential for anyone looking to carve out a successful career in personal training. Achieving a certified qualification validates your expertise and opens doors to a fulfilling career in the fitness industry. These courses serve as the cornerstone for budding personal trainers, offering a comprehensive overview of fitness principles, training techniques, and client management strategies.

The fitness industry thrives on specialisation, and pursuing advanced personal trainer courses or continuing education for personal trainers can significantly boost your career. A specialisation sets you apart, offering tailored solutions to client's unique needs.

We offer a variety of CEC courses

Female Training Specialist: Prepares trainers to design online personal training programs that cater to women's physiological differences.

Pregnant & Postnatal Training for Personal Trainers: Gain insights into the specific needs of pregnant and postnatal clients, ensuring their safety and well-being during workouts.

Pelvic Floor Essentials for Fitness Professionals: Learn to incorporate pelvic floor exercises into training regimens, a crucial aspect of women's fitness.

Training Menopausal and Perimenopausal Women: Understand the nuances of training women experiencing menopause, focusing on hormonal impacts on fitness.

Menstrual Cycle Essentials: Master fitness programs tailored to menstrual cycles, optimising training outcomes.

A person accessing online PT courses sitting on the floor wearing workout gear with dumbbells nearby
A smiling woman in a hijab holding a water bottle and a yoga mat ready for a personal trainer certification

Distinctive Online PT Courses at Women's Fitness Education. While most providers offer the standard Certificate III and IV in Fitness, Women's Fitness Education sets itself apart with its unique online PT courses. Beyond the government-regulated Certificates III (SIS30321) and IV (SIS40221) in Fitness, we offer courses on training women, menstrual cycle essentials, and pre/postnatal fitness, all delivered via online platforms. Our trainers are equipped to support women at every stage, from menopause to motherhood, in their fitness journey.

What Makes Our Personal Trainer Certifications a Cut Above the Rest

  • Certificate III in Fitness (SIS30321): This qualification reflects the role of group and gym fitness instructors.

  • Certificate IV in Fitness (SIS40221): This qualification reflects the role of personal trainer

  • Training Women Companion Course: This course reflects the aspects of training women that is not covered in the Certificate III and IV in Fitness

  • Menstrual Cycle Essentials for Fitness Professionals: This course reflects the training women specifically around their menstrual cycle

  • Training Pre and Post Natal Women Certificate: This course reflects the training of pregnant and post women

  • Training Menopausal and Peri Menopausal Women Certificate: This course reflects the training of menopausal and peri menopausal

  • Live Monthly Zoom Call: Every month we deliver a live zoom call covering a different aspect of women’s health

Nationally Accredited Courses delivered by FEO Academy RTO45428

How is the Course Delivered

Online Learning:

All our theory learning is delivered via our online learning centre that you can log in to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The learning material includes videos, PowerPoint Presentations, and Online Text Books.

Practice Sessions:

The practice sessions allow you to gain the confidence of working with real clients.

Practical Assessment: The final step in the process is to complete the live Practical Assessment.

Course Outline

Package Consists of Two Courses:

SIS30321 – Certificate III in Fitness

SIS40221 – Certificate IV in Fitness


Up to 24 months

Interactive Learning with Monthly Personal Training Webinars

Visual representation of Personal Trainer Course online accessed through laptop and smartphone

Our online fitness instructor courses come to life with live monthly Zoom webinars, each delving into the dynamic world of women's health. These aren't just your run-of-the-mill lectures; expect to see practical demonstrations of exercises and training routines.

It's not just about watching and learning—our webinars often feature guest speakers, from seasoned industry experts to health pros, sharing valuable insights and tips. Absorb wisdom from the best in the biz!

Got questions? Get instant feedback and support right when you need it. Plus, it’s a fantastic opportunity to network, opening doors to new connections with fellow fitness enthusiasts, potential mentors, or even future collaborators.

All this from the cosy corner of your home—just another perk of our online courses that keeps you engaged and connected. So, grab your spot on these webinars for a learning experience that’s informative and interactive.

Certificate III & IV in Fitness

Personal Trainer Course Package

What Does a Personal Trainer Certification Do for Fitness Trainers Like You?

Personal fitness trainer qualifications are crucial for anyone looking to establish themselves in the fitness industry. Certifications serve as badges of credibility and expertise that assure clients and employers of your commitment to professional standards. Accreditation plays a vital role here, acting as a seal of quality for personal trainer programs. It signifies that a program has met rigorous educational standards, with a curriculum that covers essential knowledge areas like anatomy, physiology, exercise programming, and client safety, ensuring that certified trainers are well-equipped to deliver safe and effective training sessions.

Certified personal trainers enjoy a broad spectrum of career opportunities, from traditional roles in gyms and fitness centres to positions in corporate wellness, online coaching, and specialised fitness niches. This diversity opens doors to fulfilling careers, helping others achieve their health and fitness goals.

Certifications like Cert 3 & Cert 4 will equip you with foundational and advanced knowledge in fitness and facilitate significant skill development. They encompass practical training that sharpens your expertise in exercise programming, client assessments, and motivational strategies. Beyond technique and knowledge, these fitness certification programs are crucial for understanding the legal and ethical framework of the fitness industry. They ensure you operate professionally, adhere to high standards, and safeguard your clients' well-being.

Programs like Cert 3 & Cert 4 provide the foundational and advanced knowledge necessary for a personal fitness trainer. Continuing education for personal trainers broadens your career prospects. Consider the value of specialist personal training certifications as you begin this rewarding journey.

Certificate III in Fitness

Course Outline:

Module 1: Health Appraisal

BSBPEF301 : Organise personal work priorities

SISFFIT032: Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation

SISFFIT033: Complete client fitness assessments

SISFFIT052: Provide healthy eating information

Module 2: Exercise Instruction

SISFFIT040: Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients

SISFFIT047 : Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise

BSBOPS304: Deliver and monitor a service to customers

Module 3: Group Fitness

HLTAID011 : Provide First Aid

SISFFIT035 : Plan group exercise sessions

SISFFIT036 : Instruct group exercise sessions

HLTWHS001 : Participate in workplace health and safety.

Module 4: Fitness Business

BSBESB301: Investigate business opportunities

BSBOPS403: Apply business risk management processes

BSBESB404: Market new business ventures

SIRXSLS001: Sell to the retail customer

Certificate IV in Fitness

Course Outline:

Module 1: Health Coaching

BSBPEF302: Develop Self Awareness

SISFFIT053: Support healthy eating for individual fitness clients

SISFFIT050: Support exercise behaviour change

Module 2: Advanced Programming

SISFFIT049: Use exercise science principles in fitness instruction

SISFFIT041: Develop personalised exercise programs

Module 3: Personal Training

SISFFIT043: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for body composition goals

SISFFIT044: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for older clients

SISFFIT042: Instruct personalised exercise sessions

SISXCAI009: Instruct strength and conditioning techniques

SISXCAI010: Develop strength and conditioning programs

Module 4: Youth Training

SISFFIT045: Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for adolescent clients

SISFFIT051: Establish and maintain professional practice for fitness instruction

CHCCOM006: Establish and manage client relationships

Note: You must complete the Certificate III in Fitness before commencing the Certificate IV. (as some of the units in Certificate III and considered pre requisites for Certificate IV)

Why study with Women's Fitness Education

When you decide to take our Certificate III and IV in fitness qualification, you will also get access to all the companion courses below.

Training Females Level 1

What you'll learn:

Module 1: Pelvic Floor

- The Bell Curve Of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

- Hypotonic Pelvic Floor

- Prolapse- Hypertonic Pelvic Floor

- Vaginismus & Vulvodynia

- Pelvic Floor Contraction In Isolation

- Pelvic Floor, Breath & Movement

- Actionable Strategies & Scope Of Practice

Module 2: Prolapse

- What Is Prolapse?

- What Are The Risk Factors?

- Get Exercise Right

- Pelvic Health Physio

  • 2 CECs

Pregnant & Post Natal Training Level 1

What You'll Learn

Module 1: Risk and Clearance

Everything you need to know to ensure you stay within your scope of practice and always look professional

Module 2: Pregnancy

What is happening and which hormones play key roles and their impacts.

Module 3: Pelvic Floor Plus

What is the true meaning of core? … and most importantly, how do we teach this to our clients?

Module 4: Common Women’s Health Conditions. (PCOS, Endomentriosis, Breast and Ovarian cancer, Hysterectomy)

Module 5: Fourth Trimester / Post Natal

How to assess your client for DRAM (abdominal separation that can happen during the later stages of pregnancy) and how it will impact on your exercise programming.

Module 6: Empathy Training

This module will develop your empathetic skills of listening, and knowing what to say.

  • 4 CECs

  • 2 PDPs

  • 4 CPDs

Training Menopausal and Perimenopausal Women

What You'll Learn

Module 1: Training Menopausal and Pre-Menopausal: Women Talking about my generation, Ageism, Why train women over 50+

Module 2: Menopause: The stages of the menopause, Hormones & the menopause, TED Talk -How menopause affects the brain

Module 3: Pelvic Floor: Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions, Types of Incontinence, Types of Prolapse, Prolapse Symptoms & Risk Factors, How to cue pelvic floor contractions in isolation

Module 4: Health considerations Cardiovascular / heart disease, Osteoporosis / osteopenia

Module 5: Practical Applications: A question tool-box to create empathetic engagement, Exercise considerations, modifications, Important components of programming for women aged 50+, Exercise in water, What to avoid

Module 6: Further Presentations: Menopause & Pelvic Floor Webinar, Mish Wright – Training Women 50+ Webinar, Top 10 Chronic conditions for older adults & how to train them

  • 8 CECs

  • 3 PDPs

  • 6.5 CPDs

Menstrual Cycle Essentials

What You'll Learn

Module 1: Training with Menstrual Cycle: Understand the core principles of adjusting workouts based on the menstrual cycle to support women's fitness needs.

Module 2: Period Tracking: Learn the importance of keeping track of menstrual cycles and how it can guide training adjustments.

Module 3: Period Dysfunction:

Explore common menstrual issues and how to adapt training for women experiencing irregular cycles.

Module 4: Endometriosis: Gain insights into the impact of endometriosis on training and discover strategies to accommodate women with this condition.

Module 5: Everything Oestrogen: Understand the role of estrogen in the menstrual cycle and its influence on training.

Module 6: Everything Cortisol: Explore the significance of cortisol in the context of the menstrual cycle and its effects on training.

Module 6: Match the training to the cycle

Module 7: Programming for clients with PCOS

  • 10 CECs

Along with your Certificate III and IV, you'll also have a specialty in training women of all ages!

What Do Our Past Students Have to Say?

Testimonial Certificate III and IV

Fitness Education Online is a fantastic online Fitness resource for Fitness Professionals. They offer a range of Courses to suit every field in the fitness industry - highly recommend. Their presenters are professional and knowledgeable in the way they present information.Highly recommend Kirstyn Campbell's Pelvic Floor Essentials for Fitness Professionals Course as well as Mich Wright's Training Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women. Both contain essential informatiion for not only training mums-to-be/new mums but also for women over 55.


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

I've just completed Training Menopausal a Peri-menopausal Women. I loved Michelle Wrights presenting and am going to seek out more of her courses now. Highly recommend! I didn't know much about peri-menopause and menopause before but feel so much more confident taking on this stage now. I run bootcamp style classes for pre and post natal women so wanted to upskill on our next stage of life, but also open my market up to some older women. I've been asked a lot in the past if I'd put on a class for older women, even though all of my current classes are so adaptable for any age/stage. I realised that people need to see themselves in a group to feel more like we are "their people". I now feel like I have the knowledge to put a dedicated class on the timetable and I'm excited to broaden my skills and fine tune this new class.All reactions:33


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

Hi I’m a newbie in the fitness industry and super excited at the convenience and content of the online education - I love how phone friendly it is - anytime anyplace convenienceI just completed Training Menopausal and Peri-menopausal women .. which honestly I found a bit triggering as I am one and didn’t regret doing this course. I loved the use of the comedienne as one resource to breakdown barriers and education re pelvic floor issues in men and women. Encouraging re all age fitness with some useful targeted insights to this group.


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

Thank you to Fitness Education online for offering great courses. I have just completed the Mishfit Pregnant & Post Natal Training. I have been in the industry for 14 years and predominantly train women. I found this course to have great content which was easy to understand. Having video content as well as written content was great. Anybody training women will benefit from doing this courses, regardless the client being pregnant through to ladies going through menopause and dealing with pelvic floor issues or simply getting clients to better understand their core muscles.


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

I honestly can't rate this organisation and their educational resources high enough. I was looking for a course to do to be able to train Pre and Post Natal Women, and ever since doing my first course with FEO, they are the one organisation I continued to return to for my professional development! They continue to update their courses, including their video content of each and the visual demonstrations and other methods of teaching cater to all styles of learning. I always finish a course with many drills and ideas to implement into my individual and group based sessions. The biggest takeaway I get from every equipment based course, is ways to work in the different planes and target both the anterior and posterior chains. Highly recommend to both group instructors and personal trainers looking to add variety to their sessions! Thank-you to the whole team at FEO!


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

I’ve just completed Mishfit: pregnancy & postnatal training for Personal Trainers level 1 & 2 through Fitness Education Online. I gained so much knowledge through these courses which will help with my female clients. I recommend this course to all personal trainers that have female clients. I also just completed the bootcamp games mini course which had some great ideas for making bootcamp sessions fun and full of laughter. Can’t wait to try some of these games with my clients I look forward to doing more courses through Fitness Education Online, what a great supportive team!


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

I’ve been a Personal Trainer for 4 years. I just finished the periodisation of periods course with Mish Fit. I’ve learned so much information from this course, which is already helping my existing clients. I can’t wait to see where this new information takes myself and my team. So grateful for the opportunity to do a course like this!


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

I recently finished two courses and I have started my third on the subject of women’s health training and specifically pelvic floor, understanding the menstrual cycle as it relates to training and pre and postnatal. And I have to say I have loved the content. I have gained so much already, absolutely sponging up the knowledge. Love it. And it hasn’t just helped with the content provided, but also given me the connections for further study by providing links to the top providers in the field and that has been incredibly helpful. Can’t recommend enough. It has truly opened my eyes to where we are failing women and how we can be the change to fix it. Thanks so much fitness Ed!


Testimonial Certificate III and IV

Happy to have completed pregnant & post-natal for Fitness Professionals. I liked the structure of the course and how the presenter made it easy to learn. Being in the industry for over 3 years & a bit confused why we were not taught about what is taught in this course in our Fitness certificates studies. Better late than never for me at least


Transform bodies and careers with our personal trainer certification!

Flex your potential, and become a certified trainer. Enrol now and shape your future!