Women's Fitness Blog

Meet Clara: A Rising Star in Fitness

Meet Clara: A Rising Star in Fitness

January 15, 20255 min read

At Women’s Fitness Education, we’re proud to celebrate the incredible achievements of our students.

Clara has not only excelled in her studies, completing her Certificate III in Fitness and now working toward her Certificate IV, but she’s also making waves in the industry. She was named our Student of the Year and even earned a nomination for Student of the Year with AusActive—a testament to her dedication and passion for fitness.

Now actively working in the fitness industry, Clara has transformed her love for fitness into a career that’s already inspiring others. In this interview, she shares her journey, her challenges, and her advice for women considering a career in fitness.

Get ready to be inspired by Clara’s story—it’s proof of what’s possible when you follow your passion and commit to helping others on their wellness journey.


Can you share a bit about your story? What led you to study Certificate III and IV in Fitness?

I was going to a female only weight lifting gym and finally felt comfortable. I saw so much progression in my technique and confidence thanks to the coaches that I became the fittest and strongest I have ever been. I knew then that I wanted to be that knowledgeable coach motivating and supporting women to feel safe and secure in the fitness industry.

What was the most valuable thing you learned during your studies, and how has/will it helped you in your career?

For me it was the additional women’s education on pre and postnatal and menopause. Going to a female gym and working in the same gym now gave me additional knowledge to understand clients needs and support them appropriately.

How did it feel when you landed your first role in the Fitness industry?

I felt very excited but nervous at first, as if it could be me working my dream job being so new to the industry? 

A lot of self doubt at the start and there still is sometimes but with a positive mindset of being willing to learn and laugh off mistakes it has been an amazing experience!

What does a typical day in your life as a trainer look like?  

I currently work a front of house role helping get content and manage peoples accounts and ensure the space is clean early in the mornings. I then squeeze in a session for myself or walk my puppy, before having some time to study and then begin coaching afternoon classes finishing up to go home and have dinner heading straight home for an early start the next day!


What’s the most rewarding part of working in the fitness industry and helping other women achieve their goals?

Those 1:1 moments where you can positively support a client from encouragement, reminding them how well they are doing or correcting technique making them feel more confident in exercises. It’s those cues during class or discussions before and after that are my favourite when I can uplift others!

What challenges did you face during your studies or early in your career, and how did you overcome them?

Balance! Having multiple jobs being all over the place was really hard as many opportunities came that I wasn’t sure I was ready for but I trusted myself and my knowledge and let it flow and now I’m full time in the fitness industry and loving it!

What advice would you give to women who are thinking about studying Certificate III or IV in Fitness but are unsure if it’s the right path for them? 

You don’t know till you try! Fitness has so many options for you to explore and find your thing so jump in, take opportunities and be uncomfortable so you can learn and grow and see where it takes you!

How has working in the fitness industry changed your life, both personally and professionally?  

My confidence has doubled! I’m even more organised than I already thought I was. It made me mentally a lot stronger to find balance and have energy at times I feel I don’t but it’s made me very aware of my limits and taught me that self care is #1 and if I look after myself and sleep well I can do anything!


What’s a memorable moment or client success story that made you realize you’re in the right career?  

When clients ask me what I do to train and ask me for tips and how to do certain movements or videos they have seen of me. It makes me feel appreciated for my hard work within myself and that they trust my knowledge with fitness.

If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self before starting this journey, what would it be?

Why didn’t you do this sooner?

No but seriously self doubt is a thief! I would remind her to breathe, don’t over think and let the experiences come. Be open minded to all you’re about to experience.

If you try your best then you know already you have done enough and that’s all that matters!

You are your biggest motivation so do it for you.

If you’re inspired by Clara’s success and ready to start your own journey, there’s no better time than now. With our Certificate III and IV in Fitness, plus bonus women’s health courses, you’ll gain the tools and knowledge to create a career you love and make a difference in the lives of others.

Your future in fitness starts with one decision—why not make it today? 💪


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