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Flexibility, Family, and Fitness: Embracing a Career Change for a Fulfilling Lifestyle

March 04, 20245 min read

Changing careers is a significant leap, especially when it means moving into a field as dynamic and impactful as fitness. For many, like Lisa Price and Alex Fyfe, this shift isn't just about work; it's about embracing a lifestyle that harmonizes with personal values, family needs, and a passion for active living. Their stories illuminate the challenges and triumphs of such a transition.

You can listen to Lisa and Alex’s podcast here.

The Catalysts for Change

Every journey begins with a spark. For Lisa, a career spanning 15 years in the legal industry took a turn post-motherhood, seeking a role that accommodated family life better. After a decade in corporate finance, Alex sought a profession that resonated with her love for activity and community. These women were propelled by a desire for careers that allowed them flexibility and fulfilment.

The Realities of Switching Careers

"I needed something new...especially my husband works in corporate as well...this is exactly when things need to change" (Alex Fyfe). This sentiment echoes the shared need for a career that supports family life and personal well-being. The transition involves retraining, long hours initially, and a dive into entrepreneurship. However, as Lisa puts it, "It's just part of my journey," reflecting the positive outlook that fuels persistence.

Embracing a Family-Friendly Career

A career in fitness provided both Lisa and Alex the flexibility they needed to be present for their families. Alex mentioned the ability to drop her hours to part-time post-motherhood, highlighting the adaptability of the fitness profession. Lisa's journey also reflects this flexibility, "I rearranged my world for six months to do the course, but hands down it has been the best decision I have ever made" (Lisa Price), underscoring how the career accommodates her role as a mother.

Cultivating an Active Lifestyle

Beyond flexibility, a career in fitness inherently promotes an active lifestyle, not just for clients but for the professionals themselves. Alex shared, "I've always played netball, touch footy. I love swimming, surfing...I loved group fitness...that was always part of my life" (Alex Fyfe). This passion for activity isn't sidelined but integrated and amplified in her new career.

The Power of Community and Growth

Community building is a cornerstone of their careers. Lisa emphasizes collaboration over competition, aligning with health professionals to provide comprehensive support. This approach enhances service quality and fosters a supportive network, which is crucial for personal and professional growth. Alex reflects on creating a fun, engaging community in her fitness sessions, making exercise an enjoyable part of daily life.

Advice for Aspiring Fitness Professionals

For those on the fence, Lisa and Alex offer sage advice. Lisa urges, "Just step in and sign yourself up. What will happen will happen," promoting a leap of faith backed by diligent preparation and continuous learning. Alex echoes this sentiment, highlighting the need for courage and adaptation.


5-Step Method to Assessing Your Career Satisfaction

Reflect on Your Current Job Satisfaction

Assess Your Feelings: Regularly take stock of your job satisfaction. Are you excited about work, or do you dread Mondays? Reflect on what aspects of your job you enjoy and which parts you loathe.

Identify Stress Levels: Consider if your job is causing you undue stress or if it's manageable and worth the effort. High stress can lead to burnout, a clear sign something may need to change.

Evaluate Alignment with Personal Goals and Values

Personal Goals: Determine if your current role is helping you progress towards your long-term personal and professional goals. Consider aspects like skill development, career trajectory, and personal growth.

Core Values: Reflect on whether your job aligns with your core values. If there's a mismatch between what's important to you and what your job demands or stands for, it might be time to rethink your position.


Analyse Work-Life Balance

Time Management: Look at how well you balance work and personal life. Can you engage in hobbies, spend time with family, and care for your health?

Flexibility Needs: Consider if the job provides the flexibility you need for essential aspects of your life. Rigid schedules that don't align with your personal needs can signify that a change is necessary.

Consider Your Financial Satisfaction

Compensation Evaluation: Are you fairly compensated for your work? Consider your salary, benefits, and other compensations in light of your industry standards, experience, and role.

Future Financial Growth: Think about the financial trajectory of your current path. Are there opportunities for raises, promotions, or developing skills that will increase your market value?

Seek Feedback and Explore Alternatives

Feedback: Regularly seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or a coach about your performance and prospects. Constructive criticism can provide insight into whether you're in the right place or need a change.

Research and Network: Explore what alternative career paths might look like. Network with individuals in fields of interest and research industries, and potentially shadow professionals in other careers to better understand what a change might entail.

work life balance

When to Investigate a Change:

Persistent Dissatisfaction: If, after repeated assessments, you find consistent dissatisfaction in multiple areas, it might be time to consider a change.

Lack of Growth: Looking elsewhere can be beneficial when there's no room for professional advancement or skill development.

Values Mismatch: If your job continually conflicts with your personal values or causes moral distress, it's essential to seek a role that aligns better with your beliefs.

Life Changes: Significant life changes might necessitate a career reassessment, whether it's family needs, relocation, or health issues.

Following this 5-step method, you better understand your current career satisfaction and when to explore new opportunities. Remember, career satisfaction is profoundly personal and evolves over time, so regular reassessment is critical to ensuring your job continues to meet your changing needs and aspirations.

Women's Fitness Education

If you're considering a career that aligns with a desire for flexibility, family time, and an active lifestyle, let 2024 be your year of transformation. Join the ranks of those who have made this rewarding change at Women's Fitness Education. Start your journey towards a new career and a lifestyle that embodies health, community, and personal growth.

PS: If you're thinking of becoming a Personal Trainer - check our Certificate III and IV in Fitness!

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